Never miss another email bulletin from Systems Design! Click on a past email to view the campaign in your browser.Happy Thanksgiving (Nov 18, 2024)UpdateTempStatusandVerification Reminder (Sep 13, 2024)Start of Year (July 22, 2024)MEALAPPNOW/HIS NEWS_2024 (June 27, 2024)End Of Year Maintenance_2024 (May 7, 2024)New CEP Rules Income Survey (Mar28, 2024)Lunch Money Now Updates (Feb 15, 2024)Virtual Machine (Feb 7, 2024)Merry Christmas (Dec 12, 2023)Happy Thanksgiving (Nov 15, 2023)UpdateStatuses_Verification (Sept 29, 2023)LMN Other Payments (Sept 14th, 2023)Start of School Year (July 31,2023)MAN/HIS Activation & News (July 5, 2023)TASN - BOOTH #128 (June 8, 2023)End of Year Questionnaire (May 8, 2023)How Will You Collect? (April 11, 2023)CEP report - March 2023 (March 8, 2023)Merry Christmas & Happy New Year (December 13, 2022)Happy Thanksgiving (November 16, 2022)Start of Year (August 2, 2022)Update NSLP Meal Prices (July 11, 2022)MEAL APP NOW - What's New (July 6, 2022)Hit the Fast Lane with MAN/HIS (May 24, 2022)SD Summer Schedule (May 17, 2022)Update NSLP Meal Prices (May 9, 2022)End of Year! (April 25, 2022)Program & Non Program Revenue Reports (March 24, 2022)Use MAN for P-EBT! (March 14, 2022)Merry Christmas! (December 15, 2021)Happy Thanksgiving (November 17, 2021)The Verification Process (September 24, 2021)Update Temporary Carryover Status (September 14, 2021)Start of Year 2021-2022 (August 9, 2021)SSO districts may still collect Free & Reduced Applications (June 3, 2021)P_EBT Transfer Program (June 2, 2021)Use Meal App Now to collect Income Surveys during SSO waivers (May 24, 2021)Preparing POS for SSO (May 24, 2021)End of Year Maintenance (May 5, 2021)Contactless Services (March 25, 2021)CEP Report Due Soon! (March 11, 2021)Holiday Hours (December 17, 2020)Merry Christmas! (December 16, 2020)Happy Thanksgiving (November 24, 2020)Congratulations to the Giveaway Winners!The Verification Process (Sep 28, 2020)30 Day Status Expiration Routine (Sep 21, 2020)Holiday Calendar Feature (Aug 28, 2020)Systems Design Non Congregant Clerk Handout (August 17, 2020)Systems Design Non Congregant Meal Info (August 13, 2020)Systems Design Non Congregant Meal Info: please return (August 10, 2020)Start of Year 2021 (July 29, 2020)Meal App Now/Income Survey News (July 2, 2020)Meals in the Classroom (June 18, 2020)Lunch Money Now News (May 27, 2020)The Pandemic EBT Program (May 26, 2020)2020 End of Year! (May 6, 2020)COVID-19 Summer Feeding Instructions (March 20, 2020)Required CEP Report (March 5, 2020)Merry Christmas! (Dec 18, 2019)Happy Thanksgiving (Nov 20, 2019)Procedures for Medicaid Reduced DC Students (Oct 18, 2019)Direct Verification (Sep 27, 2019)Update Temp Status, (Sept 5, 2019)PK Audit Report, (August 8, 2019)Start Of Year, (August 7, 2019)Meal App Now News, (July 11, 2019)TASN2019, (June 19, 2019)Glimpse, (May 22, 2019)End of Year Maintenance, (May 8, 2019)Meal App Now Stats, (May 1, 2019)Reporting Program and Non Program Revenues, (March 14, 2019)CEP Information, (March 5, 2019)Ditch Paper Apps, (February 12, 2019)Merry Christmas, (December 12, 2018)Happy Thanksgiving, (October 14, 2018)PK Economic Disavantaged Report, (October 5, 2018)Direct Verification, (September 26, 2018)LMN News - Fall 2018, (September 12, 2018)Changing Grace, (September 10, 2018)Start of Year - 2018/2019, (August 14, 2018)Cat Eligible PK Students Info, (August 1, 2018)Viewing Determination 2018, (August 1, 2018)Meal App Now 2018, (June 29, 2018)TASN 2018, (June 5, 2018)Summer Feeding 2018, (May 30, 2018)Spring News 2018, (May 16, 2018)EOY 2018, (May 8, 2018)MAN News (March 28, 2018)Merry Christmas (Dec 13, 2017)